Ash pokemon gay sex

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In Japan this would be a common trope, for example let’s say they were in our world and Ash had been a master animal researcher/collector for a decade and Goh wanted into that lifestyle… he pairs up with Ash because Ash knows so much, he blushes out of admiration and non-romantic love. I hope this makes sense? When I first came to Japan as a gay man I was like damnnnnn these guys are really gay, but in reality they’re not. I see Ash and Goh relationships everyday. I mean, in 10 years if they want to let Ash be an adult who is bisexual/gay/whatever I would love that, but this is a Japanese kids show.Īlso, need I remind you that Japan is a very conservative nation, gay marriage isn’t even legal here yet, I HIGHLY doubt that they’d put a gay couple into a kids anime. If anything it’s meant to show the value of friendship and loyalty. Anyway, that’s my piece from a Japanese - English teacher perspective.

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In my opinion Goh could very well have feelings for Ash because he himself is gay or whatever, or because Ash is Goh’s first real friend.

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