However, if you do find your partner is using the site to hook-up and you are hurt by this information, here are some tips that may help you navigate these waters: Hurting You? Not OK Sixty-five percent have used it to facilitate a hook up. A recent research study on the use of Grindr in Southern California found that 84% of users are on the site to “kill time”, 78% are there to make new friends, and 65% use it to connect to the gay community. The issue comes up regularly in my counseling and coaching practice.ĭiscovering that your partner is looking at a gay social media site does not necessarily mean he is hooking up without telling you. The experience of discovering that your partner or husband is secretly hooking up on a social media site like Manhunt, Grindr, Adam 4 Adam, or Daddyhunt can be a very painful, and increasingly common, experience.